Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Send E-mail requests for events to harriet Marie Youngblood and for business sales or services gigs and contract modeling/ hosting to: hmyoungblood52@gmail.com.  I, Ms. harriet Marie Youngblood am waiting to see and hear from my fans in the U.S.A. and from afar off across the seas and around the world wide web/ online (No Phone Calls In/Out are Acceptable at This Time in Response to This Video!)  Make Yourself Available by Appointment for Interviewing for Specialty V.I.P. H.M.Y Y-Fan Club Memberships or V.I.P. Y-Sports Team Memberships or The Stars of H.M.Y.E. Specialty Events Officially Approved & Invited Guest or Harriet Marie Youngblood's Family & Friends Club Members Raffle/ Quiz Show 2017-2019 Patron & Gala Event Ticket Holders of Harriet Marie Youngblood's July 2019 53rd Birthday Celebration Guest & Customer Appreciation for Honorable Attendance or Business Performance Nominations Awards List

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Harriet Marie Youngblood in Beauty Pageant Talent Showcase Performing with Unique Image of Inspiration and Singing "The Greatest Love of All".  Call Harriet Marie Youngblood for all booking appearances and contractual gigs and for talent contracts for business, conventions, birthday parties, children's events and church services and more even for fundraising or hosting community events and promotional sales and services and otherwise special affairs of business and musical entertainment and or for training sessions, autograph and modeling or serious gigs only for Hollywood, CA. industry and/or Screen Actors Guild (SAG) approved and/or main featured short films/ screen plays and interviews for press release, local television/radio/cable showcase, media/news reporting for national or international press release entertainment and business online/offline promo campaigning and business related newsworthy historical record and profile evidence mentions for other specialty content and linked movie roles of interest for and of (negotiable pay applies plus extra fees payable per appearance bookings and talent hire per movie approved location as contracted and accepted for work of blockbuster featured movies with speaking or non-speaking roles per accepted position for work to be completed of hire with pay by Harriet Marie Youngblood with respect to and not limited to modeling and changing of wardrobe for movie roles and performance art as it is with discretion of the movie part selected and acceptable for the pay to be given to Harriet Marie Youngblood for each location and acting role accepted by Harriet Marie Youngblood and of Harriet M. Youngblood Enterprises licensing practices for sole-proprietorship retail business management by Harriet Marie Youngblood solely for all business bookings and talent hire inclusive to sales and services of any goods and merchandise and contracts for hire with substitution only approved by Harriet Marie Youngblood for any reason and at any time if adjustments are made for fulfillment of bookings per event location and for any talent hire contract scheduled or unscheduled by only Harriet M. Youngblood Enterprises and by Harriet Marie Youngblood as it is always for profit to and for the benefit of business and personal gain to and for the owner and sole-proprietor licensed business brand name as licensed for private business profit and for profit only to the sole-ownership of the business entities labeled and business brands licensed of, for and by law legally as is listed, registered and licensed solely under the name and logo business identification as is made for private business use and for the sole profit of licensing to and for and of as well as branded by legal business licensing laws and practices of sales and services only made through and by sole-agent ownership for and of and made for hosting and for retail sales and services of goods and fruits and veggies also with merchandise ordering for profitable income gains for use to reinvest in official political use or other official legitimate business or personal usage and legitimate legal activities and personal affairs of and only of discretion of  Ms. Harriet Marie Youngblood as it is allowed by the laws of the state of Illinois and of the use of business license in the United States of America for promotional use and non-promotional use as well as for use in political career funding and events if personal funds is desired to be used to funds campaigns of the political advertising and marketing of the public identity and political agenda set by, for and only of Ms. Harriet Marie Youngblood),  For Details and Requests or Booking for Hire and Information or Other Questions and Calendar of Events, Raffles or Sales of Special Event Tickets and Political Agenda.  For Official Event Bookings for Hire Rates+ Applied Fees Per Sale or Service as Available with Approved Contract Booking & Business Contract and For Official Appointments for Scheduled Individual Business Meeting, Group Business Meetings or Direct Media/News/ Fan & Political or Business Informational Product, Poetry, Music/ Song Release & Promotional Campaign Interviews & Personal Contact: Ms. Harriet Marie Youngblood by United States Postal Mail: 2715 West Harrison Street Chicago, Illinois 60612 or by
E-mail: hmyoungblood52@gmail.com/ Phone Call 773-524-8842/ 312-952-3581

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The African Children's Choir - Walking in the Light [Live]

I thought this video was appropriate for the people who love to praise the children that are raised to worship and adore their God the creator of us all.  They are truly amazing singing about walking, Yes! walking in the light of God.  Oh! How I love them singing this special song whereby I have never heard anyone or any other group sing in such a powerful way.  Watch this video that is apart of my playlist of inspirational videos and children of celebrity status in their own way given by the inspiration of our Lord.  Thanks be the Lord for their gift they enjoy which is from God Almighty.  Please Like and Send me your thoughts directly to Phone: (773) 524-8842/ (312) 952-3581 and/ or Contact me by this E-mail hmyoungblood52@gmail.com.


Send E-mail requests for events to harriet Marie Youngblood and for business sales or services gigs and contract modeling/ hosting to: hmyou...